"We don't need lists of rights and wrongs, tables of do's and don'ts: we need books, time, and silence. Thou shalt not is soon forgotten, but Once upon a time lasts forever." [Philip Pullman]

Tuesday, 1 November 2011


Halloween is over but be careful…FEAR NEVER DIES! Read the following short story I’ve just created and then let me know what you think of it ;).


Last year I went  to a holiday camp in a Scottish forest. Our group leader formed some groups of three: mine was composed of James, from the U.S.A., Sarah from Sweden and me, from Italy. Our first task was based on orienteering. We were given a map and told to find a clearing (a red cross on the map) where we had to put up our tent. We were thrilled with this task because we could show our bravery. 
While we were walking through trees and bushes, trying not to get hurt, we heard a wolf’s howling  which startled us. Soon after two sparkling yellow lights appeared behind a bush. We thought it might be the wolf approaching, so we started running as fast as we could. When we stopped we realized we were lost and the map was useless. As it was getting dark, we turned on the torch light and went on walking. We arrived near a small fall that was fortunately marked on the map. Nevertheless, Sarah was still scared because she was afraid of darkness. «Why don’t we follow the river to get to the clearing?» I suggested. James and Sarah agreed, but there was no path along the river. We could only swim in it. «But I can’t swim at all!» Sarah shouted «Are you kidding?» James chuckled giving her a slap on her back. 
Unfortunately the slap was too strong and Sarah slipped and fell into the river. «Help me, help me!» Sarah started to scream «I can’t swim, save me!». «Hurry up , Kate. Take the rope out of your backpack and give it to me.» James yelled. I did it at once and together we tried to rescue Sarah. «Just move your legs as if you were on a bike, Sarah.» I told her «And try to catch the rope! We’ll save you» She took my advice and succeded in catching it, so we could pull her back onto the bank of the river. She was finally safe and well. We were all relived but Sarah was freezing because her clothes were soaked! So James and I cut some branches with our pocket knives and lit a fire, but when Sarah and her clothes got dry it was already dark. «Why don’t we pitch the tent and wait for help?» Sarah suggested. We did as she wanted to make her feel more at ease. While we were trying to find a flat spot for the tent, we found a boat hidden under some branches. «We can use it tomorrow, if nobody comes to save us.» James said. He had just finished speaking when the boat suddenly lifted up and a ghost appeared. 
We all let out a squeal. «Don’t worry.» I said  «We have our knives, he won’t come closer.»
«Are you sure?» The ghost asked and began getting nearer and nearer. We looked around to find a way out but found ourselves surrounded by some other ghosts crying out: «Trick or treat? It’s Halloween Night!» They took off their white sheets and our leader and campmates appeared. «Silly guys! You were really scared stiff!» one of them giggled. Everybody was laughing at us and Sarah was about to cry when all of a sudden a U.F.O. materialized above us. We were all shocked and paralyzed with fright, when we heard Sarah laughing out loud. The U.F.O. disappeared and we all looked at Sarah. «Why are you laughing? » The leader asked her. After a while she replied: «Don’t you know? He who laughs last, laughs longest!».


  1. Great story and very well written!

  2. Wooooooooow this story is very involving and amusing! I like it a lot :) Your blog is very interesting too :D Let's visit my blog and we can keep in touch :D

  3. Hello Ladyk! this story is soo funny !
    I laughed a lot :D
    I'm very happy that you get back on writing :)
    keep in touch byee
